Its very easy to beat the circuit and time races after I change the controls and funny enough, because of the experience I had before, it lets me be aware of what the AI is about to do. I also change the reverse control from down arrow to slash(/) key so I can easily use the Superslide, which is the advanced powerslide. Nowadays after getting back to this game at 2017. I change the powerslide control to right shift, and it works perfectly(as long as I don't press shift multiple times as it will trigger the sticky key warning). This is one of the reasons why I'm struggling to race on certain events like Basil and Gypsy's Circuit, Rocket Racer Run Final Circuit and Veronica Voltage's Time race aka Ice Planet pathway (86 TRIES! Yeah I counted ) For some reason, there is a hardware limit for holding down the keyboards which is why the left arrow and spacebar doesn't respond. The issue? its the spacebar on the keyboard. Even worse, it won't let me turn left when I hold down the powerslide. Powersliding to the right has no issues but powersliding to the left, it won't let me do that. Since the last 18 years when my dad bought me this game, I had problems doing a technique which is called a powerslide(or drift if that's how you want to say). This is in regards to the default controls from PC, not from N64 and PS1.

I'm surprised that no one ever made a topic about this.